Industrial Testing

Aside from helping you select the best applicant, we also assist in evaluating people being considered for promotion, as well as in conducting  manpower audits, where all company employees are tested to determine their strengths and weaknesses in relation to their current jobs, and for future career mapping.

We offer comprehensive testing for all job levels and positions—- from Clerical, Rank-and-File and Service Positions,  Technical and Professional Positions, to  Supervisory, Managerial and Executive Positions

Our assessment covers mental ability, professional aptitudes and in-depth personality testing, through the use of tailor-made batteries of tests designed to measure particular dimensions deemed crucial to efficiency in specific positions.  Since we also make use of the latest computer technology, we are able to submit results much faster and more comprehensive than if we were using the traditional, exclusively hand-scored test batteries.   

More In-depth, Specialized Testing
For Industries

Owing to the sensitive nature of the some jobs (i.e. positions that entail working abroad, handling special assignments like caring for children and elders, or high-risk positions in the protective services field), our company offers more in-depth psychological testing.

In addition to the usual intelligence and personality battery of tests, we will be including projective techniques, aimed at uncovering latent tendencies, internal conflicts, and the capacity to handle stressful situations, among other things. Propensities towards aggression and attitudes toward authority figures will also be tapped.  This would allow us to have a more reliable basis for assessing their emotional functioning, which is deemed critical to the special nature of their jobs.

Testing is supplemented by individual interviews and a full report with recommendation is prepared for each examinee.             

Contact us at 636-6327 to 29 and 631-7401, or email us at [email protected] to get more information about our industrial testing services.

